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  1. The Earth's Warnings: Show how the Earth sends warnings to humans through natural events like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods. These are the Earth's way of communicating that something is wrong and needs to change.
  2. The Earth's Healing Power: When humans begin to listen to the Earth and make positive changes, the Earth starts to heal itself. The child character can witness this healing process, such as seeing polluted rivers become clear again or barren lands turning green.

Through the story, the Earth teaches humans that all life is interconnected and that we must take care of each other and the planet. The child character can share this message with others, inspiring a global movement to live in harmony with the Earth.

A Terra precisa de energia

qdo as pessoas se amam e tem emocoes boas e gostosas, isso cria energia para a terra.

qdo as emocoes sao ruins como inveja, odio, isso tira energia da terra

qto a terra nao tem energia, ela fica mto fraca para se curar.

a terra ficando menos sadia, vai acontecendo coisas doidas, a realidade vai desaparecendo.


fusion energy is nog going to stay the stuff of science fiction forever, though. The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project, an initiative with roots stretching back to a November 1985 summit between Reagan and Gorbachev, is currently scheduled to generate its first “small star” in November 2025. Various projects are racing them there, all with that shared goal of 2025.

The design that Commonwealth is pursuing is akin to the massive, multidecade International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project that’s currently being completed in France. Begun under the Reagan Administration in the ’80s as a collaboration between the U.S., the Soviet Union, various European nations and Japan. Over the years, membership in the project expanded to include India, South Korea and China.

While the ITER project also expects to flip the switch on its reactor in 2025, the cost has been dramatically higher — totaling well over $14 billion dollars. The project, which began construction in 2013, will also represent a much longer time frame to completion compared with the schedule that fCommonwealth has set for itsel



This is acknowledged in biology in the hypothesis of a “shadow biosphere”: there may, in fact, be organisms on Earth with biochemistry different from ours, because they may be descendants from a different abiogenesis event; we haven’t detected them yet because we haven’t done a detailed biochemical analysis of most organisms on the planet.