Main Page
I use this wiki to gather my thoughts and to give a structure to my research
complexity > interwoven things that are hard to overview and are hard to control in detail
who can't speak > animals, future generations.
soft systems methodology, which would be on the soft side.
other approaches like cybernetics, or system dynamics would be on the harder side
Parameters of system resilience in biology:
- inefficiency
- heterogeneity
- aleatoric
- redundancy
- incoherence
Other parameters
- impurity
- our body's boundary are not our skin
- Boundary is a political concept.
One way to define the word ‘system’ is as a set of interconnected elements that together form a coherent pattern we can refer to as a ‘whole’. Such a system exhibits properties that are properties of the whole, emerging out of the interactions and relationships of the individual elements.
a system is less a ‘thing’ than a pattern of relationships and interactions — a pattern of organization of constituting elements.
people protect what they love / protect what you love / love protects /
human beings live in language
we create linguistic networks.
being with nature and being nature ourselves, will eventually create the appropriate language
it is time we start treating our planet as if we were planning to stay
you are the result of 3.8 billion years of evolutionary success
we are seeking strong ripple effects
living organisms in a living environment
if we want to have a sustainable future, then that's the pathway we should go building and nurturing communities
unleash nature
What if you could see love?
protest sentences
fossil fool
not me, us
your action matters
Preserve, protect, and prosper
- Extinction Beckons"
- "Darwin's Revenge"
- "Evolve. Now."
- "Adapt, Idiots"
- "Tick Tock"
- "Last Call"
- "Survival Optional"
- "Extinction Express"
- "Nature's Rejects"
- "Goodbye, Humans"
- "Extinction Looms"
- "Adapt Now"
- "Survival Threatened"
- "Evolution Matters"
- "Heed History"
- "Nature Warns"
- Time's Ticking"
- "Change Course"
- "Lessons Unlearned"
- "Future Endangered"
- "Wake Up"
- "Choices Matter"
- Wisdom Needed"
- "Remember Us"
Interconnectedness, unpredictability, and uncontrolability
Interbeing To be’ is to inter-be- we cannot just be by ourselves alone. We have to inter-be with every other thing.
we also need integrators and generalists contextualize contributions made by the specialists
dealing with and dancing with